No way of knowing
Anyway I've been pretty limited by the 8 bit stuff for to long so I am using this as an excuse to explore the options.
Thinking out loud...
internal voltage reference is 1.224V. Assuming pack voltage.
each analog pin tied to ground through a 10k resistor, and connected to the cell tap with a custom resistor. Going around the board clockwise, the pins appear in this order, so suggest mapping the ADCs that way too.
Then hookup is more logical.
cell pin# adc#
1 PB15 ADC_IN21
2 PB14 20
3 PB13 19
4 PB12 18
5 PB1 9
6 PB0 8
7 PC5 15
8 PC4 14
9 PA7 7
10 PA6 6
11 PA5 5
12 PA4 4
13 PA3 3
14 PA2 2
15 PA1 1
16 PA0 0
17 PC3 10
18 PC2 12
I took the liberty of mapping out the ADC on the discovery: