Thread: Nitrogen tires
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Old 04-16-2014, 01:53 AM   #106 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Old Tele man View Post
IF that were "true" then eventually all of the O2 would 'seep' away and leave only the 78% N2 and 1% "other" gases behind! Which ain't what happens.
I think the article by the NHTSA (or some similar group) was linked here a dozen pages back.

What happens is that the partial pressure of oxygen equalizes between the inside and outside of the tire.

If your tire is pumped to twice atmospheric pressure (around 28 psi), your 20% oxygen will, over time, become around 10%.

Same thing with Nitrogen. Over time, the oxygen seeps in until you have nearly 10% oxygen (at 28 psi)... or around 8% or less if you have 35 psi or more.

But, from what I recall the paper said, this takes a very long time.
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