Originally Posted by trebuchet03
It's not an option for anyone that isn't near a plug :/
Quite a good point. I guess I assumed too much.
Okay the, other ideas for quick warm up from quick/easy to expensive/hard.
1) Not using the heater. Keep the heater on full cold so it doesn't use your hot coolant to heat up the heater core. Problems include freezing your butt off and fogging of windows.
2) Full grill block and underbody tray. Must watch coolant temps very closely and have a way of removing some of the blocks if necessary.
3) Warm air intake. Using already warm air instead of heating up cold air will make the engine warm up faster.
4) Insulated coolant tank (like the 2nd gen Prius has). Tank stores hot/warm coolant and exchanges it with the cold coolant in the engine block upon startup. Not cheap or easy.