Made in the USA
Two trips today, one to Wally World for some weed killer, tired of pulling the dandleions up individually.
50.5 MPG indicated
The grandkids and youngest daughter were here yesterday and today. They left before 2 PM. I went to the Chinese take out for a General Cho's chicken combo to share with the wife. It's 2.5 miles to the restaurant. Stopped at 7-11 .3 miles from the house, stopped again at Dollar general for a 2 liter bottle of Coke, drove across the parking lot to the restaurant and picked up the order. 2 traffic lights there and the same two to get home. I managed to not get stopped by either light, coasted down a shallow valley and coasted through the second light. There is a long downhill slope in the last .5 mile to the left turn into our neighborhood. Pulsed to 53 (45 zone) and coasted to the left turn. Pulsed again and coasted to the driveway. Backed down the driveway into the garage.
44.2 MPG indicated.
We split the fortune cookie. One side was the chinese work for fever, I think it was fa-shoe, we joked around with that for a while. The fortune said
"Made in the USA"