The trailer is due for a bearing packing. I will have them check axle alignment as well at the time.
VPP hitch? Propride?
Money spent on TV not relevant so much as same and more spent on optimizing TT and lash-up details since TV can change.
VPP [virtual pivot point] hitch -- Pro Pride (preferred) or Hensley Arrow -- more or less "lock" the TT to the TV. Nothing happens until TV drive axle changes direction. Huge improvement over any other type. (Been doing this more than 40-years).
The suspension needs to be dis-assembled. Not just bearing re-pack. Big truck spring alignment shop is best, with near-ancient techs (experience matters). Leaf suspensions have
many wear points. Think "tolerance stack", again. (Torsion flex replacements (DEXTER dealer) have next to no parts and make for a fully independent suspension system.) My much later
Silver Streak has the following from the factory, look into these if not switching axle/suspension type. .
JohnBarca TT Mods