I have considered the Taurus fans as well. I like the simplicity of the mechanical fan. Even if it does use up a bit of gas.
The stock 130A alternator is at it's limit now. Plus, being 14 years old ... not sure how much more it can take.
I have even heard of people gaining gas mileage from getting new battery cables.
Originally Posted by oldtamiyaphile
Yes, factory Euro gap fillers, factory alloys and hard top. I want an aftermarket bumper, but don't want to kill what aero there is to do it. Will be ordering a AEV highline kit soon though.
I have a bumper that weighs > 100 pounds (it takes two people to move it). 3/16'' steel with very long unibody tie in brackets. No noticeable fuel economy change.
Originally Posted by oil pan 4
The clutch fan on my diesel was working properly and when I swaped in electrics I picked up about 2mpg.
The Cherokee fan is only around a foot or so. Not huge like on normal vehicles haha. The radiator is super small