Originally Posted by benphyr
Can you provide an update? How is it going half a dozen tanks or so down the road? Did you already or are you willing to provide a DIY for the wheel covers and grill block? I need to reinstate a grill block on my Civic (after damage) and would like to know what material and how you made them be so clean.
Happy trails everyone,
My apologies for missing the action on this thread!
I actually did not start this thread,it was a split-off from a post in another thread and Darin started this for me.
benphyr: I have a sort of how-to on the wheel covers at the mirage forum!
Smooth wheel covers - MirageForum.com
The grill block is made out of the same material,roughly 1mm plastic sign sheet trimmed to shape with scissors, run through the english wheel for a little curvature and hot glued foam block on the back side of it to be pushed between the grill gaps.
To remove just pull straight out and to put back on just push right in.
(Oh and the grill block is two pieces for ease of fabricating and I think I was out of large enough sheet to make it one piece!)
I'm perfectly happy with the car sofar!
Someone once jokingly asked me where is the remote control for it?