Originally Posted by flores
Ok..and what are real numbers? 0.9V and 1.0V, that's a marginal difference of 0.1V on a total of 150V, that can't create really large current differences.. right?
I'm betting I'm wrong again?
Hi flores
My understanding is that the 150v is across the system BUT the total current goes across the IGBT's in parallel so the problem is one could do most of the work - overloading it and under-loading the other
This would not be a problem (0.1v in 150v) if we were driving separate motors - one per IGBT
Paul's neat idea is to separate them out using the resistance in the cables - so they have to play nice together
It sounds really neat
Paul - is this your idea? - or is it a known fix?
If it is your idea you should look at deleting all of these posts and getting a patent