Originally Posted by topcat
How odd. I find quite the opposite. I just came here to recommend taking the flattest route, particularly routes which follow rivers. Apart from anything else, hilly routes are longer by 1/cos(theta).
My 2 cents on these statements..
1) Speaking of longer, I've never seen a straight river. The shortest distance between two points is a straight line.
2) Hills are fun, period. If you are not holding up traffic you can eoc all the way up a hill even if only crawling speed by the time you reach the crest. Picking up speed on the way back down with engine still off feels really good. Major free. Weeeee. Don't forget to attempt to high five your annoyed passenger as you creep over the crest of the hill and shout "we made it!" Resist the "told you so" urge and cheer them up despite hearing 4 or 5 "we are never going to make it" comments.
Get bored very quickly. Vibe, Saturn, and crv all long gone. Been a while but I'm back in the game, gunna see what I can do with this Corolla.
Last edited by davelobi; 04-24-2014 at 04:44 PM..