Well, the last thing I've been waiting for arrived today (shielded 3 wire cable). The stupid end caps are irritating me at the moment. I'm trying to commit to something, but I'm not sure what's best. If you guys want to add your own end caps, and show off what you come up with, I won't start crying about it. haha. But I can also come up with something too. I'm planning on using pieces of aluminum sheet metal, with opposite ends bent out so the end caps can be screwed into the enclosure, but the screws would be accessible on both ends for removing the end caps. Or sheet metal screws, but I'm not sure how good those are.
The EEProm part isn't done, but won't take long. It doesn't have a bootloader for upgrading software at the moment. The quickest way to get it shipped out would be for you guys to get a pickit 3, and be able to upload new hex files. There's no way there won't be little quirks that we come across that require code changes. The whole thing is almost a completely different rewrite.
So, I could mail the first one as soon as next week probably, but that's assuming the quickest, no bootloader, etc...