That plexiglass on the 118 mpg car was pretty "extreme". I suspect you'd attract the attention of the police with something like that. However, it looks like that thing is a combo air dam/grille block. So don't neglect the grille block strategy. They say on here that, within reason, the smoothness, or "streamlining" of the front end isn't as critical as stopping air from getting trapped/crammed under the car. So blocking the grill keeps it from going into the engine compartment, and then under the car. Of course, the air dam directly blocks it from going under the car, and the front wheel spats direct it to the outside of the wheel instead of - - - under the car.
So, going as radical as "118mpg" did with the nose extension probably got him only minor gains above just blocking the grille and any other "front openings" where the air has an opportunity to get underneath. Just covering the front of your car with clear packaging tape, for example, would probably get you 75-80% of the way there as far as improving the front aero is concerned.