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Old 04-27-2014, 11:27 PM   #365 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Fat Charlie
Originally Posted by freebeard
Am I leaving anything out?
Vertical exhaust pipes.
Perhaps you thought i wouldn't take you seriously. Oh, but I did.

The fold-down-and-flip-out single-wheel trailer is just to keep this on-topic. The half tonneau is self-explanatory, although it would be nice if it would fold or slide so it could collapse if needed.

The vertical stacks however may need some explanation. The vertical stack has two or three times the cross-section as the tailpipe with an air bleed at the bottom, so the volume is increased and the temp is reduced (like a high-bypass jet engine). Then there is a cap on the top and a row of louvers (rear-facing innies) at 100° to the forward direction.

Injecting hot air into the stream moving past the stack causes a Coanda effect that wraps the air around and blows it toward the back of the cab. Between the half-tonneau and the Coanda nozzles, this might have a result similar to a full aerocap. If fully optimized, of course.
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