Originally Posted by xntrx
No, the back of the hood is a high pressure zone. It would want to flow in, not out.
Some vents can be done at the leading edge, or better yet, into the wheel wells.
Your exhaust blow down reminds me of compound steam engines, and is used in high efficiency turbines. Increasing the stroke (relative to bore) also accomplishes some of this.
Buschur might be able to help if you want to forgo the vacuum pump and electrical load.
Thanks Man!!!
I was having a space moment. lol
I might do what the new EVO's are doing, and put a triangulate hole in the hood at the front. This will also help with getting hot exhaust manifold heat out of the engine compartment?
I got a ton done today but my body is paying for it.
The head is on and the cams and intake are installed.