Thanks, snakester! I like the "lines" on that Toyota Yaris - really "clean" looking to my eye.
Before I started getting such great results, I read somewhere on this site about having a "race", but the rules would be to see who would be the first one to go 700 miles WITHOUT GETTING GAS. When I first read that, I thought, "Yeah, you wise a$$ - right!" thinking it was either some blow-hard who couldn't actually do it, or else some "mileage guru" who we mere mortals couldn't hope to match. But as I continue to improve my skills, learn new "tricks", and refine my car, I am VERY excited to see that the "700 miles without stopping for gas" is something that can actually be done in reality.
You may also notice that this is four CONSECUTIVE tanks over 700 miles. That means there was no trickery of filling up on top of Donner Pass, coasting to the bottom, filling up & bragging about the results & then having a "sacrificial tank" back up to the top to start my next bragging tank. These 4 tanks have all, I think, had at least one trip over the Sierras, mostly on I-80 over Donner, and filling up wherever I needed to.... sometimes Carson City, sometimes Sacramento, sometimes elsewhere.
One sad (sort of sad) footnote: in my running around town today, the ScanGauge is now showing that I've dropped out of the 70's. It was reading 69.9 when I pulled into my driveway last. (Of course, I think that's still the best "tank average" reading I've yet seen - and DEFINITELY after almost 100 miles on a tank.)
I guess if it turns out I re-fill this tank in Sacramento (or somewhere with a similar low elevation), it could be argued that was a "cheater tank"...