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Old 04-30-2014, 02:21 PM   #273 (permalink)
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The mechanical attachment is the tabs and screws. I plan on painting the surface, then applying an adhesive caulk between the aluminum and the frame.

Front pan 12 screws
Main floor 15 screws
rear pan 12 screws

All tabs tig welded to the frame.

Each attaching point has enough strength to hold the whole vehicle in the air.

Corrosion is not nearly as big an issue as it is in northern areas. Each panel will be removeable if necessary with a #3 Plillips and an electric drill, could be cordless.

I'll paint the final assemblies with rustoleum which will also seve as a thread locker for the speed nuts, without making it too hard to remove and reinstall the panels.

The inside of all panels will be sound deadened and insulated. This thing is going to be quiet and completely roadworthy and weather potected.

Picked up some 6X1 hex (4MM) countersunk stainless screws for the side panels, which will be either sheet stainless or aluminum, around 24 gauge.

All present tab sdrilled and speed nutted with screws in place, did the front 6 today.

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aerohead (04-30-2014), Christ (05-20-2014), HHOTDI (05-17-2014)