It depends on your goals. If you want to appeal to the largest audience then code that is just cut and paste is the way to go. This was part of the phiolosophy behind mpguino, to make it as simple and straight forward as possible for the end user so the most people will benefit from it. You have to remove yourself from what you already know about "how easy this stuff is" in order to see that other folks will be stretching things to get this up and running. It is easy enough once you know all the technical details, but we are just trying to get instrumentation in as many cars as possible with as few obsticals as possible.
It would be cool if you could reuse the mpguino pinout and we would have a "standard computer" between obduino and mpguino that folks could write cut and paste applications for (without needing a degree in arduino). Three buttons, and a display and a processor at known pinouts simplifies that more than you may realize, and at least WE won't have an arbitrary hardware branch because of a lazy LCD library. Is anyone willing to fix the 4 bit library?
The pin selections for the mpguino were not arbitrary. They were carefully chosen. You guys have to decide what is best for the project so I won't keep harping on this, but it is something of a compromise between easy on developers and easy on the end users.
Here is what magister has put together for the wiring. I suggest that you agree on the hardware layout and decide on who the target audience is and how much code futzing they can manage to adopt to arbitrary wiring changes.