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Old 05-05-2014, 04:08 PM   #23 (permalink)
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You responded to the joke, did you follow the link?

Here's another: R-value (insulation) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia According to it you should probably be using Polyurethane rigid panel. Notice that 'Vacuum insulated panel' has 4-6 times the insulative value. This is not the same thing as the insulating paint.

So what Corning product are you considering. Their website is a helpful mess, being dumbed down to the point of dumbness. Maybe Formular 250? But that's R-10 in 2 inches.

Did you read the post you referenced for your 'design'? The carbon fiber was ugly so he decided to paint it, and then couldn't overcome the sanding marks showing through so he couldn't paint it the color he wanted. That's why I'd use aluminum skinned plastic.

Get mill-finished aluminum, and then once it's built buff it out. It would look like an Airstream, easy-peasy. Then your 2" of insulation and finish it on the inside with insulative paint and top that with Fire Retardant Paint, for safetys sake.

Radiant outer barrier, insulative core, radiant inner barrier and fireproofing instead of just the core and fiberglass. Double-glazed windows of course. Run your exhaust fan through an air-to-air heat exchanger. You'll need one because superinsulated structures are stuffy. And I think they're hard to regulate. Thermal mass helps, so consider panelling the inside with White Southern Pine.

Can we get back to talking about aerodynamics?
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