I figured I should start a thread on here so people can ask questions and get updates. For a couple weeks now I have been posting content to my blog, youtube, and flickr accounts documenting the stuff I am doing to the bike. This week was more exciting because I started to make sub frame mock ups for the bike so I figured I would post up a thread.
Call Me Burton | Ventures into permaculture, electric vehicles, streamlining, motorcycles, preparedness, homesteading, and learning.
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?lis...TneDyNmxo9tGBZ ( zero specific play list )
I am waiting for the last video I shot today to render on youtube before publishing my mostly weekly update on my blog. I plan on doing a lot more tomorrow to get the seat pan created in hardboard and on the bike.
I do have a question while I am at it. From the widest point in the profile of the bike, if I draw a straight 17 degree line to the tip of the tail will there be early separation or will the wind follow the profile?
I have drawings overlaid on Vetter's ride to better illustrate what I am talking about if there is confusion in my question. The third or second image in the group of 3 is what I am thinking but doing it along the 17 degree line versus the nice smooth curve.
Also does anyone know of a way to make complex curves like this easier than using composite materials and molds?