Originally Posted by stewie
Sweet code release!
Originally Posted by stewie
How can i upload this new code? I have Jellybean 0.86 version now.
To reprogram your JBD board, you will need some sort of programmer that uses the ISP protocol. I bought one of these in July 2013 -
Pololu ISP programmer
Alternately, you should be able to buy a standard Arduino Uno, program the Uno with the current release code, then physically swap the AtMega328 chips between the Uno and your JBD board. I haven't actually tested this, though, so I don't know if it will actually work.
Originally Posted by stewie
Can new code be programmed to display Intant Mpgs, Current Mpgs, Tank Mpgs, Miles Til empty on one screen? That would be sweet.
This is possible with the current version of the code. I am currently re-writing the screen editor to be a bit less clunky than it currently is, and the new version will be released shortly.
Originally Posted by stewie
In original old 0.86 release in Custom display can those values also be user set like current, instant and tank miles, distance?
No, not without examining and re-writing the section of programming code that controls the Custom display, then uploading it to your JBD hardware. This was one reason why I made my version of the MPGuino code available for general use - it has a screen editor that eliminates the need to modify the program code.