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Old 05-14-2014, 09:05 PM   #1 (permalink)
sheepdog 44
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EV Zero emmisions? Is electricity a clean energy source: ARTICLE

Is Electricity A Clean Energy Source? -

Very interesting article about the "wells to wheels" emissions of Electric vehicles. It turns out that if you live in an area with a dirty/dirtier coal plant, you could have less emissions by Eco-driving a gas or hybrid car. 55% of people in America live in area where getting 50mpg, will net you better emissions than an EV. It just so happens Team VW/Metro/Honda/Diesel averages over 50mpg and team Toyota is not too far behind. So not only are you saving gas, you're co2 emissions at least will be among the cleanest on the road!

On the east and west coast however, an EV's emissions will range from the equivalent of 80mpg average to 7,600mpg for geothermal. It looks like even renewable energy will not net you zero emissions, but it's close enough as it doesn't matter.

The major insight is that buying an EV is only half the solution. It really matters where you buy your electricity from. Here in Massachusetts there has been vocal support and success in shutting down some of the coal plants we have around here.

If you have an EV, please look into where your electricity comes from here: Some options in your area may be cleaner than others.

I try to be helpful. I'm not an expert.

Last edited by sheepdog 44; 05-15-2014 at 12:24 AM..
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