Note this is from the AAA, the same group that just recently sent a letter to the woman I bought my house from (at my address), inviting her to renew her membership. Seeing that I've owned the place for over 15 years, and she died in '05 IIRC, I think might say something about the reliability of their data collection :-)
FWIW, I'm right at 4.6 cents/gal for fuel on the Insight, using their per-gallon price. Finance charge was zero, depreciation about the same since I bought it used a decade ago. Liability insurance runs about $300/year, or maybe 3 cents/mile, registration is maybe a few tents of a cent... All told, I'm at maybe 10 cents/mile.
The pickup has a higher per-mile cost, especially since I drive it a good many fewer miles. At about 13 cents/mile for gas, plus $200/yr for insurance & taxes, it's still only a fraction of their estimate.