Tvago any ideas my friend. I'm struggling here. I'm at the loss her. I am able to get green led to light up on USB side and amber led on ISP side, where before it use to be red. Red means not connected but amber i think means connection established.
1. What board name of Arduino have you used to program the chip? exp. Arduino Uno or other
2. Which programmer ISP port have you used? exp. AVRISP o AVRisp mkII or other
3. Should i use upload or upload with programmer.
4. Which com port 4 which is programmer or com 5 which is ttl serial programmer?
Found a thread on this error. It's connection issue
avrdude: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0x00 - Arduino Forum
Here is schematics to my board if maybe one can tell from schematic