I apparently can't post links until I hit a 5 post count.
Do a quick search for Joel Clemens ford ranger, that should bring it up.
The ev album has the new owner but he still has the first drive video up on youtube.
I'll put the links here with spaces for you to copy/paste/remove the space and see if it works.
www ev album.com/2451]Joel Clemens' 1989 Ford Ranger
www you tube.com/watch?v=DM8N7e6IESI
It got in an accident a few years ago, some guy went the wrong way turning left at a light, into the other left turning lane where he was and went between him and the light pole. It was a cheapo truck and he wanted something new so he sold it off for parts/repair. Now he's a Leaf driver.
Looks like the current owner is having fun with it.