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Old 05-16-2014, 11:42 AM   #1 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Talking New goal hit - 570KM Ford Escape V6 3.0L

Hi, I'm new to the forums but have been lurking for a long time.
I just wanted to share my recent success that I hit this week.

I hit 570KM/tank in my 2005 Ford Escape V6 3.0L.
I'm now up an extra 80KM/tank! That is an entire one way trip to work for me, pretty pleased with that.

Here is what I've been doing.
-New oil change with 100% synthetic for high mileage cars.(Penzoil -Got it on a very cheap 40% off sale + $5 off coupon! Score!)
-New oil filter for high mileage.(Fram, also luckily on sale)
-New high flow air filter.(Fram)
-Coasting, put the car in neutral when going down hills.
-Going to neutral when at a stop/long line at red lights. No active load on the engine/brakes.
-Actively trying not to exceed 2000 RPM.(the car wants to change gears at about 1800-1900 RPM, so 2K was a good max limit)

Basically most of the things you would do without noticing in a standard transmission car, just in my lumbering thirsty automatic.

Does anyone have any other suggestions for getting just that little bit more out of the tank?


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