vrdude currently supports AtMega328P-PU, not AtMega328-PU. That one letter difference is causing your heartache.
Well i'm using Adruino IDE using upload with programmer which is what i should use right? I'm thinking that the guy that programmed it did it somehow. Any ideas? I'm thinking maybe it's a good idea to run to radioshack and buy AtMega328P-PU. Will then Arduino not complain about the chip? Is there anything extra i will have to do to prep the chip or just put the code in Arduino IDE and upload it.
Will Jellybean board work with AtMega328P-PU chip?
Will Andruino Uno board also complain about the chip and have same result of asking to force it? If so then maybe getting new chip is the answer although somehow that guy programmed it originally somehow.
It's a bit disconcerting that "avrispv2.force=true" didn't work as it was supposed to, but I am not really that surprised. However, I have never had this error pop up.
Is there other statement that needs to be added or maybe it needs to be True instead of true. There is also -F switch. Not sure how to use this.
Are you trying to burn a bootloader onto your chip? This is not necessary, as your ISP programmer takes the place of the bootloader.
I'm just trying to upload your code. I'm not messing with bootloader although i do no know if after my experiments did not mess up bootloader or any other chip space. At this point i'm saying i would like Andruino IDE to write to chip from first octet to last. Chip is no longer booting to 0.86 code as it's already messed up. Thank you very much for your help. I'm almost at the home run now.
Last edited by stewie; 05-18-2014 at 02:33 PM..