Originally Posted by stewie
Well i'm using Adruino IDE using upload with programmer which is what i should use right?
That is correct.
Originally Posted by stewie
I'm thinking maybe it's a good idea to run to radioshack and buy AtMega328P-PU. Will then Arduino not complain about the chip? Is there anything extra i will have to do to prep the chip or just put the code in Arduino IDE and upload it.
The Arduino Uno is guaranteed to work with the Arduino IDE. That may be my advice, going from this point on - just buy an Arduino Uno from Radio Shack, program its chip with whatever flavor of MPGuino is desirable, then swap the chips around between the Uno and the MPGuino board.
Originally Posted by stewie
Will Jellybean board work with AtMega328P-PU chip?
Yes. The 328P has picopower energy saving support built in, while the 328 does not. There are a few other differences, such as the signature byte issue you discovered, and the addition of a few extra machine instructions in the 328P, but these are not going to be show-stoppers. Both chips are pin-compatible with each other, and you should have not problem using the 328 in your JBD board.
Originally Posted by stewie
Will Andruino Uno board also complain about the chip and have same result of asking to force it? If so then maybe getting new chip is the answer although somehow that guy programmed it originally somehow.
I will have to check to ensure this is the case, as I do not have any 328-PU chips floating about right now. Give me a week to order a 328-PU chip, and check it with my Uno.
Originally Posted by stewie
Is there other statement that needs to be added or maybe it needs to be True instead of true. There is also -F switch. Not sure how to use this.
Your syntax looks correct, and the parameter should be case-insensitive. I just think that this is one feature that was specified in the Arduino IDE, but that is not actually supported. This sort of thing happens from time to time, where a really obscure function is specified for support, and may have actually worked once, but stopped working after a while due to various upgrades to other, more visible parts. It even happened with my code, as I revised and revised it.
Originally Posted by stewie
At this point i'm saying i would like Andruino IDE to write to chip from first octet to last. Chip is no longer booting to 0.86 code as it's already messed up. Thank you very much for your help. I'm almost at the home run now.
I will continue to help until we get this working together. I thank you for your continued patience.