I just ordered my E-Bike!

Its a 48V 1000Watt front wheel kit. It did not come with the batteries. (Which is what I wanted because I want to chose the batt's) I have a 29.3mi commute one way to work. So I was wondering if I could get everyones input on what you think I should get for batt's & what you think I need for AH's. I'm an electronics tech so I'm going to construct the batt pack myself. I thinking of going with NIMH batt's. Found a good site with good prices.
All-Battery.com - Rechargeable batteries & Chargers Hopping to stay under $600 for the batts. I'm also hopping to avg 20mph to get to work in 1.5 hours. I was thinking of making a 20AH batt pack for this bike. What do you think?