Originally Posted by MetroMPG
Not sure if you're joking, Old Mech...
It's not necessarily Unicorn material because they're also using a downsized engine and braking/coasting regen to store energy for boost when needed.
Look at my two linked earlier threads on this forum. I think you will see I proposed exactly what they are doing several years ago. They are just catching up with my thinking, and I have had 2 years and 5 years to refine those thoughts.
Maybe my apologised for sarcasm can be better understood as driven by frustration when the idea was so quickly rejected.
My design is still a generation (or two) ahead of them, and I'm dead serios with that statement.
Pumping losses used for electric power generation, lost in the "noise".
It does tend to be frustrating at times, in which case a little sarcasm is like a pressure relief valve, at least for me.