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Old 05-21-2014, 02:21 PM   #113 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Old-school Diesels are better suited to operate at constant RPM, and to do so for longer times to take some benefit after the longer time they take to warm-up, while the newer ones have been reviewed in order to allow for lower operational temperatures since it would be good to reach these temperatures more quickly and also decreases the NOx emissions.

Common-rail setups have an important role on that matter as the higher pressures and more accurate injection control with their pre-injection and post-injection cycles also improved thermal management, and can even help to overcome the turbo-lag. Having turned the Diesel driving experience closer to the gassers, some common-rail engines can even benefit from idle shut-off and other hypermiling techniques that wouldn't be so effective in an old-school Diesel.
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