Originally Posted by dann_04
I live in illinois, and as far as i understand the speed limit is the limit of how fast you can go. Unless there is a posted minimum speed, there is none. On the highway the max is 65 and the min is 45. I can understand the safety issue, but if there's three lanes i will do whatever i want between 45-65mph in the right lane. The people who are being unsafe are the ones doing 10 over the limit and expecting everyone else to do it to just because they are. Last i checked i wouldn't jump off a bridge just because everyone else was doing it and telling me it was safer than not doing it. lol. Any way that's my 2 cents. But that's just what we need, cops pulling us over and giving us slowing tickets lol.
Yup, I tend to go slow in the right lane and pass in the left. What's irking me right now is trying to maintain corner speed when the guy in front of you slows to 5mph to make a turn.

The only guy I know to get a ticket for going slow got it in Chicago on the 94. He was doing 55 in the left lane. "Impeding the flow of traffic" was what it was for. He was fuming, but then he had the mentality of "I should be able to do 55-60 in the left lane, and people can just go around me.". What that does is create a dangerous situation where your trying to get over to the right to exit and people are trying to pass you. I really don't care what speed people drive, but if your going to conserve fuel by going slower, do it in the right lane that way you're not interfering with the guys who want to pay more to go fast. If you get pulled over and you're in the right lane, then fight it, but if they pull you over like the guy I used to work with for doing 55 in the left lane on a multi lane road, then suck it up and pay it, and next time stay to the right.