floormats, glovebox
Installed new floor mats and a new glovebox this A.M. Got it run though a car wash, vacuumed the hell out of it and dropped in the floor mats. Nothing like a nice new pair of floor mats to make the car’s interior feel a little more luxurious.
My floormats are from “GG Bailey” and I got a good deal, $36.58 on Amazon after a $25 buck gift certificate credit. I didn’t want to have to pay 100 bucks for nice, custom mats or get universal, flimsy and gaudy auto parts chain mats either. These fit the bill. They’re 40oz, which means they’re kinda thick and sturdy, and the quality of the carpet is pretty good. The only thing off-putting is that the bottom of the mat is made of closed-cell foam instead of the usual studded rubber or tough textile like you’d find on a BMW factory mat.
Still, for the price, the quality and fitment is very good, though I wish they would have extended the carpet material over the deal-pedal area. But for 36 bucks shipped, I’m happy.
The glovebox door was fractured along the side of the box, so I ponied up 75 bucks for a brand-new one. Wen’t smoothly, except that there was a freaking sheet metal screw installed on the left side. I found a proper 5mm-14 washer bolt and it screwed it in. It seems to be holding. it closes fine except there’s an excessive gap on the upper-right that I could not solve, it’s better than it was, but I”m going to have to wrestle with it later to get it to fit better. Still, the car feels “newer” and nicer. I’m still doing the EGR maintenance Saturday and replacing both o2 sensors while I’m at it. It’s midnight and Photobucket is closed for maintenance, I’ll post pics when it comes back up.
Last edited by doctorgonzo; 05-22-2014 at 02:25 AM..
Reason: correct spelling and punctuation errors