Thread: e-bike update
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Old 07-09-2008, 11:57 PM   #55 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by echomodder View Post
Hay Lazarus: How many charge cycles do you think you got out of those SLA batts?
I lost track after about 100 but a pretty good guess would be just a shade over 300 cycles. I use the E-bike as a hybrid so I'm very easy on the batteries. I use it as an assist and eco-drive the pack. Using it to keep the speed up and to climb. My commutes are rolling terrain with lots of heat.

If I couldn't get the batteries for free I probably just commute on a regular bike. I would be spending about 300-400 dollars a year on batteries(SLA) or more for LiFePo with as much riding as I do. Although I tried to make the tires bullet proof when it comes to flats if you do get one it's a real pain to make a tire change.

That said, it's really nice when the wind is blowing a gale or you have a short hop (5 miles or so) and you can hop on the bike and never break a sweat even when it 100 degrees out. The bike is so much cooler, temperature wise, then when I had my car(AC delete) I just did want to drive because of the heat.
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