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Old 05-23-2014, 09:23 PM   #22 (permalink)
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The female Soldier with the Genesis coupe said "I am good at driving, just not pivoting" as she tried to explain how she scratched her very shiny car. Apparently, she since had that fixed, but I keep thinking that I will cut a sliver of bar soap and draw a scratch on it..

Pivoting?! What is that supposed to be?! They have her drive some of the largest trucks in the Army!

Oh, I think she was one of the three female Soldiers I found sitting in a truck months ago, when we were supposed to be inspecting them. I walked up and asked if there was a problem. "The truck will not start."

So, you are using Social Media?

I do not even know where the middle one was sitting, there are only two seats!
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