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Old 05-23-2014, 10:24 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Need to remove power steering pump. Time to go manual? :)

Okay, so Autozone tested my electrical system and said that I had a bad voltage regulator. Their part was $170, but I could purchase the OEM one for less out the door, but a new alternator, which contains the VR, is even less, so I ordered one of those.

Pulling out my Chilton manual, it says:

1. Note the radio security code and the radio presets.
2. Disconnect the negative battery cable, then the positive.
3. Remove the power steering pump.
4. Detach the wiring from the alternator.
5. Loosen the through bolt, then loosen the adjustment locknut. Then loosen the adjusting bolt.
6. Remove the alternator belt.
7. Remove all mounting and adjusting bolts and then remove the alternator.
Easy enough. How do I remove the power steering pump?

1. Remove the negative battery cable.
2. Place a suitable container/catch pan under the vehicle.
3. Loosen the adjusting bolt.
4. Break loose the mounting bolts and nuts.
5. Remove the power steering belt.
6. Cover the A/C compressor with shop rags to prevent any fluid from spilling onto it.
Spilling power steering fluid into the alternator assembly can damage the unit.
7. Detach the pumps inlet and outlet hoses and plug them.
Power steering fluid will destroy your vehicles paint. Use caution and clean up all spills immediately.
8. Remove the power steering pumps mounting bolts.
9. Pull the pump from the vehicle.
10. Cover the open ends of the pump, with tape, to prevent foreign materials from entering the openings.
Why don't they use apostrophes?

Dealing with the power steering fluid sounds a bit intimidating and since I have been reading threads like Power steering delete - EcoModder, why not do that at the same time?

I can pick up a used manual rack in Phoenix for $75.
I read about using the Toyota MR2 pump, but the cheapest used one in the country is $210.06, and it would require many other parts.

Neither of those seem cost-effective.

Last edited by Xist; 05-31-2016 at 06:22 PM.. Reason: spelling!
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