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Old 05-26-2014, 10:54 PM   #10 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by cbaber View Post
Rather than just shotgun troubleshoot, consider using propane or carb cleaner and check for leaks around the vacuum connections. With the car running, spray it in suspect areas and listen for a change in idle to find a leak.

What's your driving like? Under 40 mpg in a VX indicates a serious problem if you stay under 70 mph. Sounds like a vacuum leak to me.
My driving is approximately 90% of in town driving with the occasional run on the expressway. I shift at around 1500rpm, and coast whenever I can. In spite of all the low mpg, I'm happy to say that I'm not getting a check engine light, oil leaks or trouble with the cooling system. I think I will follow up with that advice.
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