So, in the case this design might actually work, as in a different approach instead of building to the proper shape from the top(canopy wise), i decided to start from the bottom up... Well, more like, filling-in the dead zone along the trunk area...
In all I've been able to witness driving, it's working, albeit ...ugly.

I can see a definite reattachment of airflow around the back, and a lack of vortex generated from the central antenna and D-pillars ..Yay

While not able to gain more speed/distance during coasting as the Full Kamm, i coast longer, at a more steady speed, so still an improvement

^^still have all the flexibility to adjust the length of "spoiler" to actually match template, but i don't think that would change much, reattached flow seems to be good, with consistent separation top and sides
Still indecisive about side skirts, but i do have rear wheel strafes in front for now