Originally Posted by mcbota
Today, I have made a trip with my car, mostly on roads which passes through villages, so , one way I drive almost steady with 70 kph, in fifth gear, and the route back, I have made pulse and glide, 80/60 kph, in fourth gear, the consumption, one way was, 3.8 l/100km, and back 2.9 l/100 km; is this a good method, the clutch isnt affected too much, will be no problem with it? It was the first time when I tried this method!
Since your car is a diesel with little engine braking, try pulse and glide IN GEAR. It's a lot less work and gives me roughly 15% improvement.
Your 25% improvement is huge, I feel other factors were involved (tail wind or elevation differences, or P&G fooling the OEM display as with my Fiat), but yes P&G really works. The gearbox & clutch will be OK as long as you rev match before shifting back into gear. I'd also suggest shifting into neutral without using the clutch, just back off until the gear lever is easy to shift out (works better on some cars than others).
But IMO this is really a petrol car technique. For my TDI both methods give the same result, so I'm using the easier method.