Originally Posted by macchesney
Thanks for the replies guy,
I agree with you, in order to get this out to as many people as possible it would be better if it were free. Perhaps i'll make a lite & a pro version, with additional features in the pro version such as the ones mentioned below!
That's a great idea Istas, i'll be sure to implement this. It currently uses your location to calculate ambient conditions such as air density and wind and I've been meddling with the idea of correcting for gradient of the road too - though this is quite complex and I dont know how to do it at the moment!
The Society of Automotive Engineers SAE Handbook contains their protocol for coastdown testing.It is in fine print and runs to 2-1/2 pages of equations.All the procedures, parameters,instrumentation, and resolution of data are covered.
Statistically,in England,you'd have 7-days/year when it was calm enough for outdoor testing.This is why the Motor Industry Research Association created their wind tunnel.They just couldn't rely on the weather for meaningful testing.