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Old 05-29-2014, 07:52 PM   #193 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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My Good Friend George.

I WANT to help you.
Please..... Stop jerking these nice people around and contact me.

Here is why.

Your presentation is fantastic, (gush) BIG, BIG, FAN, but it does need a little tweaking from a world famous, professional presenter like myself.

I have provided help to millions of geniuses like yourself with my easy to follow presentations, made them piles of cash so big they slept on them and I did it all from the comfort of my multimillion dollar training facility hidden deep in the Sonoran Desert!

I will teach you, and only you George, my most sought after, Top secret, TECHTen Program!

10 easy sales technique that have made INVENTORS like yourself millions and for less money than you spend on Coffee!

Now, just be patient George, thats all I am asking, nothing more, sit back, relax AND have a little faith.

I am here to help YOU!

Here is a sampling of what you will learn at one of my TECHTen "Super Psycho" clinics.

TECH1- I will teach you several subtle techniques that will initiate the "suspension of disbelief" principal much sooner and allow you complete side step those pesky "integrity" questions.

TECH2- I will teach you how to correctly employ "Forced Partnering" so the mark will believe that you ARE actually trying to be helpful instead of tricking him with smoke and mirrors.
FYI- This one is a real money maker.

TECH3- I will teach you how to convincingly produce technically based assertions that no engineer, in his right mind, will ever be able to refute.

That George, is just a sample of the tools & techniques you will learn.

Hold on to your hat George and get ready to make LOTS and LOTS of Huge MONEY hocking your several incredibly valuable and fuel saving products and literature.

The Tramp
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