Originally Posted by oldtamiyaphile
Nissan would beg to differ. They test with wheels spining and the engine running to maximise under hood airflow management too.
What was considered adequate by GM in the 60's isn't nessesarily best practise today. It's unlikely we'd have fairly conventional looking 0.22CD sedans with that attitude.
I'm not certain what Nissan's tunnel specifications are,and how their quanta compare to other facilities.
General Motors research was conducted at Lockheed's Marietta,Georgia facility.It is considered a world-class wind tunnel,good enough for the Skunk Works and all major NASCAR teams.
GM has produced Cd 0.089 vehicles.I'm not sure what Nissan's claim to fame is.
If you have some technical information from NISSAN it would be most appreciated.Hopefully it is not from the same tunnel that their 280-ZX was developed in.