I know this thread is a year old, but given that I have a 2002 Chevy Prizm/Toyota Corolla and just started using an UltraGauge (UG) myself, I find this discussion still relevant and deserving of a bump.
1. So far, I like the UG, if for no other reason than (a) it was 1/2 the cost of a ScanGauge (SG) and (b) it's nice to finally have useful feedback instrumentation.
2. Re: calibration and accuracy: If the factory speedo is out of cal , whether by design or not, it seems like calibrating the UG using mile markers would provide more accurate FE data. But I'm hesitant to use those numbers when I post in the Garage, as I started off using factory odometer miles/petrol station gallons. If I started posting the UG data, I'd look like a FE god without doing anything but changing my data source.
3. The number of gauges is rather overwhelming. I monitor the basic parameters, but there are many others which may help my FE, and I am ignorant as to which would be helpful.
4. Anybody have a lot of experience with UG that has set it up have any advice which parameters are more useful for FE?
5. I wish I would have checked out the UG website in more detail before I bought the gauge; they have sections for installation videos, usage videos, and even a form. Problem is, the video sections are "Coming soon!" and the forum has been closed! To me, a company that sells an instrument with this much ability should be able to help out the buyers as advertised. Just my 2 cents...
5. Overall, I'm happy with having feedback and a tach (finally!), but if I can't get some real accurate data from it, I might sell it and buy the SG instead.
Thanks for reading.