Bondo,that's great!
I have no idea what it takes to capture the attention of pickup owners as far as new products go.
Steve Howard is still smarting from the fact that he won't be getting one of your Aerolids for his 1st-gen Tundra.He was so excited to see your F-150 on I-35E!
Appreciate your words,and considering that you took the full hit to have your work wind tunnel tested,you're a bit of an inspiration to us.
The wind tunnel experience in Utah will be educational to say the least,and we should have some verification on some of the streamlining relationship claims which have been published for so long now.
I really appreciate everyone's help on this one.I broke down 1,550 miles from home on one of the test trips and it will be good to have a few extra sheckels on hand for the parts store if necessary.

Best to you on the new creation and it's underwriting of the other projects.It's based on mature science and should benefit all customers.