Originally Posted by .Cd
If you ever get around to running more tuft tests, I was wondering if I could request a favor : Both you and I have a rounded tail end to our cars.*
It would be interesting to see whether a 'trip stip' or a straight edge would have any effect on decreasing the vortexes.
I'd guess that they are rounded for a reason, but as we know, a sharp edge is usually better than a rounded end.
I meant to test this on my last failed attempt at tuft testing.
( * the tail light area )
One may have noticed on recent 5-series (I think) BMWs, that there are 'trip' edges at the sides of the taillights.
The trip edges do promote separation which will have less energy in the vorticies than those of a smoothly curved transition to a rear surface which allows an increased build-up of energy and stronger vortex.
Originally Posted by MetroMPG
Here's the un-edited tuft testing video for the hard-core aero fans:
... video ...
My sincere appreciation of your work/dedication is due

... If I had more time, time and time... (this 'work' thing gets in the way all too often!)