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Old 06-05-2014, 09:15 PM   #24 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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So no one has posted here for a while and i would like to add my 2 cents. Turbochargers produce quite a bit of power, I've seen on turbo forums that at the point of turbos start to spool, the turbine is probably making ~10hp w/ top speed of maybe 100k rpm, 150 tops.

This idea would be nice if we added it to a Prius' HV battery, permenant magnet generators fast they spin the more voltage. The turbo would have to be sized very small though opposed to traditional turbo sizing, since exhaust volume will be normal and not boosted. So im thinking like t12 or t06 garrett size (I;m thinking T06 for my 2013 Prius, plus the Prius has an atkinson engine cycle (less exhaust energy then normal)), with the max output near the max output of whatever car it will be installed on.

Exhaust back pressure is bad, but of course its all engineered together in harmony. The valve over lap is adjusted to get good scavaging, but not too much as that would send fuel/air mix into the exhaust. Thats why you would get reduced mpg with a free flowing exhaust. A retune or readjustment of the valve overlap would be needed to get improved power and mpg's.

But getting an alternator or generator to spin that fast would be very hard and need quite a bit of engineering, or we could use pulleys... 6 or 7 to 1 ratio get that maybe 50k rpm down to something nice an alternator can use.

At the very least Formula 1 2014 are (or is?) using electric turbo-compounding and VanDyne is making SuperTurbos albeit for 18-wheelers.
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