The fluid is primarily there for hydraulic pressure, not lubrication. As long as you get out what you can, you'll be fine. Don't waste your time and energy trying to pump it out. The only reason to remove the fluid is because pushing air through the lines is much easier than pushing fluid through them. It's a sealed chamber inside there (minus the two lines) and as long as you get out what you can with all the left/right turning possible, then just leave whatever is there. Removing more won't gain you anything because you only care about what is coming through the lines and if you can turn quickly to each maximum left/right, you won't be pushing anything further after looping anyways. At that point, the only upgrade left to do is pull it apart and remove the piston itself (which is what I did). When I did that, I cleaned it out real well and put a coat of grease on just about everything and sealed it all back up, nice and tight. But I think once you pump out the fluid and loop at the rack, unless you have a good reason to pull the rack from the car, just keep the looped line and you'll be pretty happy.