Originally Posted by MazdaMatt
Yeah, thanks for that explanation... now... just to play devil's advocate here... would you not be even better off if you actually reduced your gearing so that you had to be at 1500rpm for that cruise speed, THEN mess up your aerodynamics to the point where you needed 124.8 torque so that you are on the centre island? Then you are at highway speed with the highest gear maintaining speed at the throttle position that results in the least possible fuel consumption... crazy? Adjust gearing and aero for optimal rpm and tp for most efficient load...
Is your goal efficiency or fuel economy? The numbers you see are fuel mass per used power unit per hour. The "cost per hp" benefit of being on an efficient area of the map rarely outweights the fuel cost of the additionnal hp themselves.
A bsfc map is usefull to figure how to P&G best. For steady state driving what's best is a dsfc map (distance sfc). Have a look on page 14 of
this pdf