Finally got some time to work on the aero cap, so I Christmas wrapped the side panels the way it should've been when I started the new refit.
I also added in some rear supports on the side panels where they extend past the tailgate.
Now when I need to make a change to the side panels, it will be rather easy to pull the panel, make the mods, and reinstall...just like the front fenders.
I ended up painting the side panels black but left the top hatch white.
I finally installed some front supports fer the front edge of the side panels. It now matches up nicely with the trailing part of the front access covers.
I flattened out the center front edge of the hatch just a little bit and screwed it down so it won't have a tendency to lift up at speed now. At 110mph (verified with two GPS units and not the speedometer), it did lift up just enough to flutter a little bit. I'll probably add some aluminum flashing on the front edge to keep the upper access door from wearing into the hatch Tyvek cover.