Originally Posted by sunburnt
Any info and suggestions are appreciated.
120v, ~ 30 plates, 2 active and 28 passive for 2v operation.
1) Is DC current necessary? Use 120v AC current directly?
Why would current direction make a difference?
2) If AC no good, then a bridge rec. for pulsed DC?
So no expensive power supplies are needed.
3) How thin can plates be? Maybe heavy foil?
Why use more material than is needed to keep the plate flat?
4) Stainless plated aluminum? Maybe cheaper than all stainless.
5) Minimum ideal spacing between plates?
6) Most gen. units have 1 lower inlet and 3 upper outlet holes.
This so the gas can exit easily?
7) Best way to shake bubbles free from plates?
8) How to calculate HHO use only, liter vol. per liter of engine?
Running gas and HHO both is an overly complex setup.
9) Safe HHO storage methods? Tank types, etc.
This thread has allot of good info