Originally Posted by ecomodded
JR I Believe the pressure could burst a seam / line with his rigged up tire pump as well let alone just pressurizing it , what hazard to put it mildly.
Way back when, I soldered a couple tin cans together, soldered in a piece of copper tubing, and connected the result to an air compressor. I was at least smart enough to put the tin cans inside a garbage can, planks over the top, and an anvil on the planks. Turned on the air compressor, and KABOOM. Bounced the anvil and blew all the dust out of the garbage can. My mother, on the second floor, thought for sure she had a dead kid in the basement. The cans were ripped into several pieces.
I tried again with a gallon can, but that just stretched and pulled a seam open. No boom.