06-11-2014, 05:58 AM
#60 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by kir_kenix
I agree that sometimes people feel too comfortable or "safe" while driving. However, I'd feel a heck of alot better about getting side swiped or t-boned in my 1 ton vs my Canyon. Maybe it's psychological, but I truly feel that the bigger, heavier, beefier built vehicle will soak up more of the damage than my little truck.
Twice while on deployments I've been in vehicles that slammed into cement barricades at fairly high speed. Once in an MRAP (International type, 40,000lbs with armor and weapons) and another time with in an up-armored Expedition (probably 6,500 hundred pounds total). I got a nasty goose egg on my head, a black eye, and some stitches in the MRAP. The Driver of the Expedition got seriously hurt and I got really banged up in that accident. The MRAP got scratched up and the Expedition got totaled. Obviously not apples to apples by any means, but it did show (to me anyway) some validity to the heavier better built vehicle surviving collisions better.
Not sure how well that correlates to civilian accidents, as the Expedition on the highway would be 1000000% better at avoiding accidents to begin with. Small vehicles get lost in blind spots easier, and aggressive drivers seem more likely to cut off a Honda Fit than they do me with a truck that will demolish their ride.
In a collision they may be safer, but in case of rollover a heavier vehicle is often more deadly...